Vision and mission of the Slovak Gas and Oil Association
(the 2022 – 2025 triennium)

Our vision:
As a voice of the Slovak gas and oil sector in the country, SGOA contributes to Slovakia’s sustainable energy future and works to improve the quality and standard of living by maximizing all benefits offered by the gas industry. The future will also see intensified use of renewable gases such as hydrogen and biomethane with the goal of contributing to carbon neutrality.

Our mission:

Present and promote natural gas as a safe, universally accessible, reasonably priced, environmentally sound, and flexible fuel for all, a key part of the Slovak energy mix and a vital component of the EU’s path to carbon neutrality.

Support gas initiatives and projects which aim to enhance Slovakia’s energy security and self-sufficiency, whether through diversification of supply and supply routes or by exploiting the potential for domestic extraction and production of renewable gases such as hydrogen and biomethane.

Support digitalization and innovative projects in the gas sector and help them apply for support under the IPCEI scheme as well as various other European funds.

Present gas mobility as a relevant alternative to other types of fuels and drives, cooperate with local governments and the public sector to promote usage of gas mobility also as part of the circular economy.

Develop and grow the SGOA as an integrating element of the Slovak gas sector and the related industries, their representative and voice interacting with European and Slovak authorities and organizations in the field of legislation, energy policy, ecology, standardization, testing, certification, and occupational safety.

Monitor the process of shaping and implementation of regulations and directives of the European Parliament and the Council related to the gas and oil sectors, provide for comment procedures within the framework of the SGOA concerning the proposals and amendments to the Slovak energy legislation through our membership in the AZZ SR (Slovak Employers Association).

Represent Slovak gas industry in international organisations and bodies, in particular the IGU, MARCOGAZ, and CEOCOR, disseminate the acquired expertise and continue in our interaction with relevant stakeholders thus supporting the export of services supplied by collective members of the SGOA.

Continue to update and develop the Gas Technical Rules (TPP), focusing on the application of modern and efficient operating and maintenance trends and the use of innovative technology.

Support and develop professional training of technical, operational, and trading staff of natural gas companies while improving conditions for deepening of cooperation with universities, professional and scientific institutions in the education of young gas professionals as well as in the implementation of the Gas Advocacy programme.